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1.2 Million People in England Could Try to Quit Smoking

"As many as 1.2 million people in England could try to quit smoking in the New Year, figures suggest." Cancer Research UK analysis of smoking trends since 2006 found January was the most popular month to quit, with an average of one in eight smokers trying. The charity also said those who tried in January tended to be more successful than those trying in other months. The NHS is launching a campaign to raise awareness of the free support methods available to help smokers quit. In the New Year a series of "Getting Off Cigarettes" adverts will highlight the range of free stop-smoking support provided by the NHS. The last available figures showed...

10 Healthy Dinner Ideas

10 Healthy Dinner Ideas 1. Fajita-Ranch Chicken Wraps 2. Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Shrimp 3. Pork Medallions with Cranberry Chutney 4. Apple-Glazed Turkey 5. Blackened Chicken with Avocado Salsa 6. Farfalle with Mushrooms and Spinach 7. Eggs and Canadian Bacon in Pita Pockets 8. Chicken with Orzo 9. Mama's Amazing Ziti 10. Tuna and White Bean Panini Article Source : 10 Healthy Dinner Ide...

How to Get That Ripped Six Pack Set of Abs Quick

This the fastest way to get a six pack set of abs.1: To build really great abs it's important to first understand what abs do. Their full name is 'rectus abdominis'. The 'rectus' bit, is Latin for 'straight, proper, upright'. Contrary to popular opinion, the abs primary job is not to curl you up into a ball, but they work together with the back muscles to maintain correct posture and stabilize the spine. Therefore training your abs without training your back will create an imbalance in the musculature...

7 Ways to Lose Weight

7 Ways to Lose Weight1. Give up wheat! Many nutritionists are against this recommendation, based on the consideration that wheat is the base of food pyramid, and pasta, bread and cereals can not be removed from the menu of a healthy man, without leading to disastrous consequences. On the other hand, wheat is among the top seven allergenic agents, which many people have a high Sensitivity, without being aware of it. 2. Give up milk! Now you probably wondering what's left to eat you, but you must remember that these changes should not be drastic and sudden. You will not get any risk of osteoporosis, especially if you make sure you get calcium...

Top Ten High Fiber Low Calorie Foods

BY Erika Yigzaw, ACHS CIO Are there magic foods that we can eat all day and still lose weight? Not really. But there are some foods that are relatively low in calories yet have high nutritive value, either because they are high in fiber, phytonutrients such as antioxidants, or high in protein. These are foods to keep handy in the pantry, refrigerator, or garden and eat daily. Train your family – particularly children – to snack on these top ten foods rather than chips and sodas and you’ll be ahead of the nutrition curve before you know it! To pick these top ten foods, I looked at nutritional value, energy density[1], and volume. I want to...

NHS Pays to Rectify Cosmetic Ops

The NHS is having to pick up the tab for cosmetic surgery performed abroad that has gone wrong, doctors say. Thousands of patients head abroad for cosmetic operations The British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons said many patients were turning to the health service for follow-up care. A poll of 203 NHS surgeons found that more than a third knew of cases where complications followed surgery abroad. The government warned people that the NHS was only there to deal with emergency complications in such cases. And it urged those thinking about going abroad for operations to be careful. It is estimated that up to 100,000...

Health Benefits of Castor Oil

The castor plant is a large, leafy, tropical-looking plant with red or green “beans.” The castor bean is not a true bean; it is a thick round seed with small bumps on the surface. The seeds and possibly leaves (depending on the plant’s growth) of the castor bean plant are poisonous, containing ricin proteins. In fact, raw castor beans can cause illness and even kill a child. The seeds of the plant contain approximately 60% vegetable oil, which is rich with ricinolein, a glyceride of ricinoleic acid. This is the part that is extracted for manufacturing. Studies have shown that Castor Oil is a very strong laxative, which makes it very effective...

WARNING: Smoking Can Kill You

US authorities intend to oblige producers of cigarettes to print on packs the images warning about consequences of smoking. FDA has taken out mockups of such preventions for public discussion. Warning: cigarettes kill!The definitive list of images for cigarette packs is planned to confirm by June, 2011, after the analysis of scientific publications, comments of citizens and results of poll of 18 thousand inhabitants of the country. After, to producers of cigarettes will give 15 months for housing of preventions on the forward and back sides of packs, and images should occupy not less than half of their area. Cigarette Warning Labels...

AIDS Patients Dramatic Recovery

Using an AIDS patients dramatic recovery to demonstrate the effect Topsy and its ARV treatment programme can have on those battling the advanced effects of HIV/AIDS. When treated, a person on the verge of death can return to health in a matter of months....

The Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery

The Alkalizing Health Benefits of Celery 1) Anti Cancer : Celery is known to contain at least eight families of Anti-Cancer or Anti-Acid compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic which blocks the action of prostaglandins that encourage the growth of tumor or cancerous cells. And coumarins which help prevent metabolic and dietary acids from damaging cells. One of the active alkalizing compounds in celery is the phytochemical coumarin, which has been proven effective in cancer prevention and capable of enhancing the activity of certain white blood cells that help remove cancerous...

How Lifestyle and Natural Supplements Can Improve Health

Billions of people across the world rely on modern medicine to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Over the past 200 years, significant technological advances have increased the average human lifespan from 40 years to 70 years. While many people are able to enjoy a longer life, there are signs that this process may be in reverse. While medicine has improved significantly, many people are choosing to lead sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles. The leading cause of death in the United States used to be an infectious disease. With modern medicine, many of these diseases have been eliminated from the continent. However, the leading cause of death in many...

Causes of Diabetes Mellitus

What causes diabetes The main causes of diabetes mellitus are that either the body fails in the production of insulin, which is the hormone that unlocks the cells of the body and allows glucose to fuel them, or your body develops an insulin resistance. In either case this disease is very serious, and much attention should be given to any symtoms of diabetes so as to recognize their appearance as early as possible. The causes of diabetes mellitus stem from what is a syndrome of disordered metabolism, which is typically due to heredity and environmental causes, or a combination of both. This syndrome leads to abnormally high blood glucose levels,...

Prostate Cancer Treatments

Prostate Cancer TreatmentsOf the prostate cancer treatments available, your doctor will recommend the treatment option that is best for you. The decision will depend on your overall health and how far advanced your cancer is. If the treatment recommended for you is not something you're comfortable with, for instance you may not be comfortable with external beam radiation therapy; you can give your doctor your opinion. It's important that you are at ease with the decision. Discuss it with your family...

Electronic Cigarette Review

Electronic CigaretteElectric cigarettes are one of the best alternatives for the smokers to go for. They are of different types but the basic are disposable and the rechargeable cigarettes. Electronic Cigarette ReviewElectronic cigarette review suggests that disposable cigarettes are not meant for everyone as they are for those who want to test its results. Results are calculated on the basis of its taste, thickness of vapors and quality sensation it delivers. They are much cheaper in comparison to the starter kit. The cartridge filling of theses cigarette lasts until it ends which means you cannot reuse it. Cartridge cannot be refilled as...

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - The Healing Plant NutrovitasubAloe Vera is a plant of many surprises and wonders. Whether you use it as vital ingredient in beauty products or it is consumed as dietary supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now it is cultivated in most part of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family although it looks more of a cactus. It has been used for its medicinal purposes since the ancient times, but only recently has it enjoyed a rediscovery and subsequent popularity explosion. There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been of most use to mankind because...

Twin Baby Gifts

Twin BabiesTwins are a result of multiple births, i.e. when more than one baby shares the womb of the same woman at the same time. It is estimated that one in every eighty pregnancies is a twin pregnancy. Incidence of twin births has become very common due to several factors including increased use of fertility treatments. Genetics and environmental conditions are also responsible for the birth of twins. Twins are can result from two fertilized eggs (fraternal or non-identical twins) or from a single fertilized egg (identical twins). Twin Baby Gifts Twin Baby Clothes ...

Whooping Cough Vaccine

Whooping CoughPertussis commonly known as whooping cough is a very deadly disease in infants that can cause permanent disability or in the most severe cases death. In the 20th century the disease was the cause of many infant and children dying but with the introduction of the vaccine in the mid- 1970s the number of deaths greatly declined. Since then recent studies have showed the disease reappearing in adolescents and adults whose vaccinations have worn off and have not received proper vaccination in the ages of 11 to 64 years old. The respiratory tract infection starts as the common cold but over time progresses into a hacking cough that...

Diet Tips

8 Low Carb Diet TipsWith a low carb diet, you limit foods high in carbohydrates. By doing so, your body begins to burn fat for fuel. Following any diet can be difficult to follow but these 8 tips will help you succeed! 1. Eat what you want to eat the night before you start your dietCravings are one of the hardest things to deal with when on a low carb diet. Make sure you curb the desire to eat high carbohydrate foods by taking the day before to eat a variety of your favorite foods. This will keep you from dreaming of that one last meal with foods that will be limited on your diet. 2. Have your pantry and refrigerator stockedMake sure you...

Guava Diabetes

Guava Helps to Control DiabetesGuava; this pear shaped, ovoid or round good looking fruit that is about 5 to 10 cm long and weighs approximately 50 - 200 grams each is commonly found in Asian countries. It is green in color from outside; internally, either white, pink yellow or red flesh with lots of hard edible seeds smaller than sesame in the central of the soft pulp. It is nutritionally rich often taken raw with unique flavor and taste. Guavas are often called as superfruits, being rich in dietary fiber, folic acid and vitamins A and C. A single guava fruit contains as much as 4 times the amount of Vitamin C as an orange. It has a low calorie...

Health Benefits of Guava

Benefits of Guava Since the early fifties keen interest has been elicited about Guava especially the leaves. Efforts were made to identify the ingredients which are effective in various medicinal properties exhibited by Guava leaves. Guava leaves are used in various native medicines used. guava leaves contain ingredients which have a role to play in various ailments such as cancer, Infections, inflammation, and pain. Essential oil of guava leaves have been particularly effective in improving the prognosis of cancer and other immunological diseases. Guava leaves have been used in treating diarrhea and the bark is used for its microbicidal and...

Tips Take Care of Eye Health

Tips Take Care of Eye HealthEyesight clearly can assist us in so many thing, for example working, enjoys nature view, or communications with others. If we like to have healthy eye, has of course you must take care of it. There are some things which can be done to maintain eye health, corrects reading is just here: 1. Investigates health of eye at oculist medical doctor. At the visit not only done by inspection ability of approach (visus), but also inspection of eyeball pressure (to know glaucoma), inspection of macula degeneracy, possibility that cataract, and other inspection. If having eye disease history, diabetes, or high blood, suggested...

What Is Mental Health?

Mental healthMental health is the capacity of individuals and groups to interact with one another and the environment, in ways that promote subjective well-being and optimal development with the use of cognitive, affective and relational abilities. Furthermore, mental health plays a crucial role in the well being of the Australian community, with one in five Australian's directly suffer from a mental illness at some point in their lives. Mental illness will have a direct effect on the quality of the individuals life with varying effects on family members, friends and the community. Psycho Mental Mad Crazy Bananas Nuts Crackers Delusional Depressed Bipolar Lunatic Insane Paranoid Psychotic are...

Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Prostate CancerThe prostate gland is about the same size and shape as a chestnut. It's located at the base of the bladder. The urethra runs below it between two lobes of muscle tissue that reach from either side of the prostate. These two muscular lobes are the way in which the flow of urine is regulated through the urethra. Inside the prostate seminal fluid is produced. This is the fluid that is released during orgasm and carries a man's sperm. When abnormal cells are produced and begin to reproduce, they grow into a mass of tissue called a tumor. When the cancerous cells begin to outgrow the normal cells, the functions of the prostate gland...